Exciting night at the Underwood Gym with our 5th-8th Grade music students (choir & band) showcasing their talents during a live in-person concert. Parents and a few other guests got the opportunity and pleasure of listening to our younger singers and musicians perform.
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
concert 4
concert 2
concert 3
concert 1
Geometry fun with Moebius strips!
about 3 years ago, Erin Hoyt
Displaying their creations!
Ben Rudrud from RIPL came to Underwood School today to present the school with their “official” RIPL Certification Plaque & Certificate. Ben thanked the school district for their continued priority and work on building positive relationships within their school building.
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
COUNTDOWN TO KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION HAS BEGUN! For the next 10 days, something 'special' is written inside 10 balloons. #10 - Going on a 'nature walk' - somehow we ended up at the park for a picnic style snack and to play!
about 3 years ago, Leslie Setterholm
#10 - Nature Walk
Playing  at the park
Playing at the park
Eating snack
More pictures of the 6th grade trip to Duluth.
about 3 years ago, Crystal Hoekstra
6th grade at Enger Tower in Duluth
Lake Superior
Touching jellyfish at the aquarium
Skipping rocks on Lake Superior!
about 3 years ago, Melissa Olson
skipping rocks
Lunch and Lake Superior! (6th grade field trip)
about 3 years ago, Melissa Olson
Enjoying Lake Superior !
Mrs. Hoyt’s 7th grade math students did a great job thinking outside of the box to break into the Breakout Box. They all worked hard and did an awesome job working together as a team!
about 3 years ago, Erin Hoyt
Working hard!
Using the black light to solve a clue.
6th grade continues to enjoy their trip to Duluth. Friday began with a tour of Glensheen Mansion and an overnight at a camp was a blast!
about 3 years ago, Breck Grove
The sixth grade is enjoying a tour of Lake Superior and the Harbor aboard the Vista Fleet
about 3 years ago, Jason Rogers
6th Grade enjoying a tour of the William A Irvin
about 3 years ago, Jason Rogers
William A Irvin
William A Irvin
William A Irvin
6th grade enjoying a tour of the William A. Irvin
Underwood 6th Graders have landed in the great City of Duluth. They have a busy day planned taking in some of the historic sites of Canal Park & the shipping areas, including a boat ride around the Lake Superior Harbor area. Should be a fun & exciting day for our 6th Graders!!
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Duluth 2
Duluth 3
Duluth 1
Underwood School’s Elementary classes are enjoying reading by a campfire and enjoying "smores" this week during their library time. An awesome, fun learning experience that is also helping students get ready for some summer fun!!!
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Library 1
4th Grade finished up their embryology unit today and got the chance to play with the chicks! They loved every moment!
about 3 years ago, Kelly Foertsch
Meeting the chicks
Meeting the chicks
Meeting the chicks
4th grade has completed their embryology unit with an opportunity to hold the chicks. It was our best hatch yet, with 27 hatching this year! The kids really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Take notice of our green chick and be sure to ask a 4th grader how it got that way!
about 3 years ago, Breck Grove
Talented Chick!
Notice the green chick!
Smiles even under the masks!
Lots of chicks means lots of opportunity to hold them
Congrats to our amazing UHS Honor Society members that were recognized tonight. Newly inducted members included: Jayden Harig, Rebecca Johnson, Emily Knutson, Cole Peterson, Hannah Radzwill, Zoey Swanson, Josey Bugbee, Kaley Quam, Krosby Aasness, Joey Kupfer & Gunnar Lewis. Inductees were recognized for their scholarship, leadership, service & character. Current Honor Society members Lydia Baker, Reese Richards, Sarah Hess, Hazel Bring, Emma Marfell, Brianna Evavold & Amber Frigaard did a great job of organizing and delivering the Induction Ceremony. Senior members each had the opportunity to share a special “thank you” message with their parents. Kudos to Mr. Pelanek, MAHS Advisor, for his efforts on organizing this special event.
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
Image 2
Image 1
Image 3
Underwood preschool is learning about the ladybug life cycle and raising ladybugs in there classroom this Month. Stay tuned for more.
about 3 years ago, Miranda LeRoy
Ladybug larvae
Reminder Wednesday, May 5th is a Distance Learning Work Day (from 8:20-noon) for all K-12 students. No live in-person or virtual classes will take place on this day. Students will be given tasks to complete by their teachers. We will return to a normal school day on Thursday.
about 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad
Kudos to the UHS Student Council for organizing a fun-filled week of “Spring Homecoming” activities, starting with a Homecoming Coronation Ceremony on today. Entertainment was provided by the UHS Garage Band. Congrats to newly crowned Queen & King, Libby Nelson & Krosby Aasness
about 3 years ago, Dave Kuehn
spring 4
spring 1
spring 3
spring 2
Our Spring Homecoming Coronation will be going live at noon. Please use the link below to access the live video feed. https://www.facebook.com/groups/242464700816245/?ref=share
about 3 years ago, Arick Follingstad